Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Music of the Spheres

A useful article on music as '"metaphysics in sound" by Robert R. Reilly is posted among the useful articles in the left-hand column. Meanwhile Quentin de la Bedoyere's Secondsight blog has an interesting thread on the mysteries of mathematics here. And Colin Gormley has an excellent article on Catholic education here.


  1. I finally finished your book and I was conpletely swept away. The more you know the more you realise you don't know and the more you realise you've missed.

    This essay really you linked to does sum up the points you were making about the muse being a vital element of education, a unifing principle, intertwined with mathematics and reason as it centers around the Logos. Beauty leads to truth but one must learn to seek them both, or else one can only reflect on ones own self.

  2. Hi Stratford,
    I recently finished your book as well. I'll be doing a series of posts on my blog (www.redeemingeducation.blogspot.com) in the coming days. I really can't thank you enough for this book. You introduced me to the ancient unity of knowledge that's been almost completely lost in the modern world.

    Here's how I started my last post:

    Rarely do I finish a book and exclaim, “I have never even thought about most of these ideas.” Yet when I finished Stratford Caldecott’s Beauty for Truth’s Sake, I was dumbfounded....

  3. Thank you very much for the kind words! I have just finished a sequel for Angelico Press on the philosophy of education - I hope it's up to scratch. There will be more about it on this blog in due course. Whereas 'Beauty for Truth's Sake' was based on the Quadrivium, 'Beauty in the Word' will be based on the Trivium... so it will complete my attempt to draw inspiration from the Seven Liberal Arts. The cosmological stuff continues to interest me (there is a certain amount of that, too, in 'All Things Made New' although there the focus is of course rather different).

  4. Stratford,

    This is great good news! Can't wait to see the new book.

  5. It's good to find someone with the same interest as you. I really enjoyed the quick read and will recommend it to all my friends.

  6. I really enjoyed reading this post.there is always something new to learn.

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  8. It is not Wordpress but Google. Hope that helps.
